Do you want to improve your smile? Improve your appearance? Improve your speech? Eat well and have a better nutrition? Convenience? Improved self esteem? Dental Implants may be what you need!
Dental Implants are also a great value for your investment. You will be getting a product that you will be using 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year and most probably for the rest of your life.
Dental implant surgery is a procedure that replaces damaged or missing teeth with artificial teeth that look and function much like real ones. Dental implant surgery can offer a welcome alternative to ill-fitting denture or bridgework.
How the surgery is performed depends on the type of implant and the condition of your jawbone. But all dental implant surgery occurs in stages and involves several procedures. The entire process can take many months. Although most adults are candidates for the procedure, dental implant is expensive and is often not covered by insurance. Still, if you have difficulty eating or talking simply want better looking teeth you may find that dental implant surgery is well worth the time and expense.
The Dental World Manila is one of the few dentals clinics in the Philippines which offers treatments to Temporo Mandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ), which produces the elusive problem of episode vertigos and can now be cured by orthodontists.
Our clinic in Manila concentrates on dental implants, cosmetic dentistry, crown and bridge, oral surgery, periodontics, orthodontics, TMJ Dysfunction Therapy, oral prophylaxis and other general dentistry works.
Dental cosmetics and TMJ procedures are two of the most expensive in dental treatments and are being offered by Dr. Santos and his associates at the least possible cost to local and foreign tourists alike.
The clinic is headed by Dr. Malony Santos whose training includes a post-graduate course in Cosmetic Dentistry, Dental Implants, Periodontics and Orthodontics-TMJ.
Visit the Dental World Manila and discover new and wonderful ways of dental wellness.