The All-on-4 treatment concept is revolutionary, offering edentulous and soon-to-be edentulous patients a full-arch restoration. Immediately loaded onto just four strategically placed implants, two of these implants are placed vertically in the front, while the other two are placed at an angle of up to 45° in the back. This cutting-edge treatment concept is transforming the way we approach full-arch restorations!
Below is the clinical procedure for the conventional All-on-4 surgery:
1. Position All-on-4 Guide
– An osteotomy will be made approximately in the midline after an incision for the flap elevation
– Then the All-on-4 guide will be placed in the osteotomy

2. Prepare Posterior Site
– Tilted osteotomy (to a maximum 45°) will then be made for the implant
– After preparing the site, the implant will be inserted
– A 30° Multi-unit Abutment will be placed after the implant
– The same procedure will be made on the opposite side

3. Prepare Anterior Site
– The two anterior sites must be placed far apart to allow safe distance from the apex the posterior implant
– A straight or 17° Multi-unit Abutments will then be placed and allow for proper emergence of the prosthetic screw

4. Take an Impression
– After suturing, the Multi-unit Impression Copings Open Tray will be connected to the Multi-unit Abutments
– Impression will be made using silicone soft putty material and a customized open tray
Tip: Use addition silicone to prevent the impression material to enter and penetrate into the tissue

5. Laboratory Procedure for Provisional Bridge
– A model and a provisional restoration will then be made at the dental laboratory

6. Connect provisional bridge
– By placing and tightening the prosthetic screws, the all-acrylic bridge will be secured on the abutments.
– Block out screw access and check for occlusion

7. Final Restoration
After a sufficient healing period, follow established prosthetic procedures for the final restoration
Is All-on-4 treatment right for you? Need more information about the services Dental World Manila? Contact us to schedule a consultation for your best and complete dental treatment plan.
All-on-4® Treatment Concept Procedures Manual – Nobel Biocare